
All the latest news about Circuit Diagram. Read about new features, upcoming releases and more.

Circuit Diagram Web Editor

Design circuit diagrams online in your browser using the new web editor.

The web editor can open and save circuit document files that are compatible with the desktop version of Circuit Diagram, and can export SVG images.

Circuit Diagram Web Editor

Start using the new web editor here.

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Circuit Diagram 3.1 Released

This release adds a search feature to the toolbox to enable components to be found more quickly.

Open the search box by clicking the search symbol in the toolbox, or pressing the Q button on the keyboard.

Begin typing the name of the component you would like to use, and press Enter as soon as you see it. There is no need to type the entire component name.

Cancel and close the search box by pressing Esc on the keyboard.

Toolbox search

Download Circuit Diagram 3.1 here.

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Circuit Diagram 3.0 Released

New in this release:

  • New UI
  • Support for per-monitor DPI scaling on Windows 8.1+
  • Hi-DPI component icons
  • Faster start-up time
  • Export to XPS format
  • More pins for Integrated Circuit component
  • Custom text for Capacitor component
  • Choose update channel in 'About' dialog
  • Bug fixes

Download Circuit Diagram 3.0 here.

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Online Component Editor

Create custom components for Circuit Diagram using the new online Component Editor.

Choose a component template as a starting point, then you can:

  • View a preview of the component
  • Quickly find and locate any syntax errors
  • Compile component binary format online
  • Choose an icon for each configuration

The component compiler website should make designing custom components much easier. Once finished, you can always upload them for others to use here.

Try it now at

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Circuit Diagram 3.0 Alpha 2 Released

This is the second preview version of Circuit Diagram 3.0. Read more about the new features in 3.0 here.

New in 3.0 Alpha 2:

  • Faster start-up time
  • Improved per-monitor DPI scaling
  • Added missing hi-DPI icons
  • Choose update channel in 'About' dialog
  • Bug fixes

Download Circuit Diagram 3.0 Alpha 2 here.

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Circuit Diagram 3.0 Alpha and GitHub

There are two exciting updates from Circuit Diagram today.


The source code for Circuit Diagram is now available on GitHub. This is a mirror of the existing repository at CodePlex.

Bug tracking will now use the system on GitHub, so please post bug reports there.

Circuit Diagram 3.0 Alpha 1

This is the first preview release of the next version of Circuit Diagram, which has a brand new user interface:

  • New UI
  • Supports per-monitor DPI scaling on Windows 8.1
  • Hi-DPI component icons
  • More pins for Integrated Circuit component
  • Custom text for Capacitor component
  • Bug fixes

You can download Circuit Diagram 3.0 Alpha 1 now.

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Circuit Diagram 2.1 Released

This update includes bug fixes as well as the following new features:

Integrated Circuit Component

It's now much easier to use any type of integrated circuit in your diagrams without having to create a custom component. The new Integrated Circuit allows you to represent circuits with up to 12 pins, by choosing the number of inputs/outputs and pin labels.

Integrated circuit

Properties Editor Scrolling

You can now scroll down to see the full list of properties available to change in the properties editor, for components with many options.

Property editor

Component Format Updates

The format for components now supports more complex conditional statements, including both and, or and not operators, using a more intuitive syntax. There is now also the option to sign components using X.509 certificates, allowing users to verify that the component has not been modified since it was created by the author.

Please visit the downloads page to download this version.

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Circuit Diagram 2.0 Released

This is the stable release of Circuit Diagram 2.0 - the improvements from 2.0 Beta 2 are mostly minor changes and bug fixes.

New in this release:

  • Choose document creator name in options dialog
  • Open components directory from components dialog

Bug fixes, including the following:

  • SVG relative paths exported incorrectly
  • Fixed size SVG export
  • SVG text alignment to use dy instead of alignment-baseline
  • CDDX components not being embedded or loaded correctly

Users upgrading from 1.3.1 will get many new features, including custom components, cut/copy/paste support, new file format and the option to show a grid in the editor.

Please visit the downloads page to download this version.

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Share your circuit designs

Today sees the launch of the newly designed website. As well as the redesign, we've added the new circuits page which allows you to share your circuit designs with other users of Circuit Diagram.

When you upload your circuit in Circuit Diagram's *.cddx format, a preview of your design will be automatically generated so that people can have a look at your circuit before they download it.

The forum has also been re-opened, so please share your comments and suggestions as they really do help decide the future direction of Circuit Diagram.

As ever, please upload any components you have made to the components page to help make Circuit Diagram better!

We hope to release the final version of Circuit Diagram 2.0 shortly, so check back soon.

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Circuit Diagram 2.0 Beta 2 Released

This release includes the following new features:

  • Show grid in editor
  • Cut/copy/paste support

Additionally, there are numerous bug fixes, including:

  • Fixed connection data not being saved correctly and crash on save in some cases
  • Fixed import dialog filter

Please visit the downloads page to download the new version.

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